Sunday, July 16, 2023


Folks like to run to the possibilities of how easily this could be fulfilled in our day with credit cards, computers, and such. There are all kinds of guesses as to what this actually refers to. Some think it's Nero because if you translate Nero Caesar into Hebrew, well, then it does add up to 666.

Martin Franzmann, a Lutheran biblical scholar of the twentieth century, notes: that John's readers no doubt were in the know. Still, the clue to the cryptogram which would enable us to make an absolute certain identification has been lost. So it is not surprising that none of the modern attempts to solve the cryptogram is wholly convincing. But this much seems to be certain; the number 666 is symbolic as well as cryptic. 6 is a number of inferiority; whether we contrast it with 7, the number of completeness, or with 8, the sum of the numerical equivalent of the Greek letters of Jesus' name is 888.
The anti-Christ at his most powerful is less powerful than the incarnate Christ Jesus. The anti-spirit is not equal to the spirit of Jesus; however, freely, God may allow him to range. There can be no doubt where the final victory will lie, and the call for wisdom is substantially the same as the call for endurance and the faith of the saints.

-Pr Will Weedon

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