Friday, March 10, 2023

Three Uses Of The Law

"We know that the Law is good if one uses it properly*." (1 Timothy 1:8). * Other translations of the Greek word here can be - lawfully, legitimately, and correctly.
The Formula of Concord distinguished three uses, or purposes, in the Law in Article VI. It states: The Law was given to men for three reasons ...
1." that "thereby outward discipline might be maintained against wild, disobedient men [and that wild and intractable men might be restrained, as though by certain bars]."
2. that "men thereby may be led to the knowledge of their sins."
3. that "after they are regenerate ... they might ... have a fixed rule according to which they are to regulate and direct their whole life."
The primary concern was to maintain that the Law should continue to be used by Christians after they had been regenerated by the Holy Spirit through the Gospel to counter the doctrine of Johannes Agricola, who taught that the Law was no longer needed by regenerate Christians." Confessional Lutheranism teaches that the Law cannot be used to deny the Gospel, and neither can the Gospel be used to deny God's Law.
The three uses of the Law are:
Curb - Through fear of punishment, the Law keeps the sinful nature of both Christians and non-Christians under check. This does not stop sin since the sin is already committed when the heart desires to do what is wrong, yet it does stop the open outbreak of sin that will do even further damage.
Mirror - The Law serves as a perfect reflection of what God created the human heart and life to be. It shows anyone who compares his/her life to God's requirement for perfection that he/she is sinful.
Guide - This use of the Law that applies only to Christians. The Law becomes the believer's helper. Empowered by the gospel truth of forgiveness and righteousness in Christ, the believer's new self eagerly desires to live to please the Triune God.

-Dr. Jordan Cooper


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