Sunday, December 18, 2022

Two Men In Field

Then two men will be in the field; one will be taken and one left. (Matthew 24:40)

No, folks, this is not the Rapture that modern dispensationalists teach. Jesus means when the day comes, everyone is going to be doing normal things, but some of those doing normal things are also prepared and ready, having heeded His words, and others will not be.
St. Hilary of Poitiers put it distinctly in his commentary on St. Matthew in the fourth century. The two in the field, therefore, represent the faithful and the unfaithful. Both of whom will be surprised by the Day of the Lord in the midst of the world in the course of their life's work.
But now, how to be among those taken, as in, brought to the Lord and not among those left? He explains in verse 42, "Therefore stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming." Certainly, that applies to the coming of the Lord on the Last Day, but you know it also applies to your last day. You do not know when the Lord will actually call you from this world to Himself. Sudden death is a very real, real possibility for any of us.
So when Chrysostom preached this to his congregation in fourth-century Antioch, he said: If ordinary people knew when they were going to die, they surely would be striving earnestly at that hour; in order therefore that they may strive not at that hour only. He does not tell them the hour or day; he wants them to keep on their toes, looking for it that they may be always striving. That is why he made the end of each person's life so uncertain.
You stay awake if you will, by never discounting the end of your life and the Day of His return and of judgment. You stay awake by remembering His promise and by living in such a way that on that day of His appearing, you're not ashamed, for your sins will have been covered by His blood, and you will have been found striving for His will even when you did your earthly chores.

-Pr. Will Weedon

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