Wednesday, November 2, 2022

The Serpent And Eve's Seed

The fact that God speaks of the Serpent having to go on its belly as if he did not go on his belly before might recall the words from Revelation 12 that identify the Dragon with the ancient Serpent. So imagine his wings being clipped, if you will.

The Church has long regarded [Genesis 3:15] as the first Gospel promise after the Fall. "Her seed" is a most unusual expression because we don't usually think of women as having seed; they have eggs. In Latin, this reads "semen eius." The woman will have seed, and that seed will be the one to bruise or mash the Serpent's head, but it will cost Him. The Serpent will bite His heal.
All the way back to the second century, we find this passage referring specifically as Christ's triumph over Satan and death.

- Pr. Will Weedon

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