Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Jesus, God's Son Or Lunatic

"For he whom God has sent utters the words of God...Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life."(John 3:31-36). To be a believer in Jesus is to receive Jesus' testimony, His words about His Father, self, His mission, His calling, and His Spirit. It is to credit Him with being true.

C.S. Lewis was brutal on this: There really are two and only two options you have when dealing with Jesus. Either you listen to what He says about Himself and decide He is a lunatic or a devil, and there are plenty who have done that. Or you recognize that He is speaking the truth, so you fall down before Him and worship.

What you cannot do is the thing most people try - to take Him as a great teacher. Come on, people; no great human teacher could ever make the promises that Jesus makes or the claims He makes about Himself and not be as looney as a Jaybird or satanic as they come. John's conviction was that Jesus was true and He is uttering the words of God. The Word of God uttering the word of God!

- Pr. Will Weedon

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