Saturday, November 5, 2022

Forgiven: Past, Present, Future

Are we forgiven once, or are we forgiven many times? How does that relationship work? The way Lutherans deal with forgiveness is that we can say we have been forgiven, that we are forgiven now and will be forgiven.

There is in which we live in light of a past reality, an event that has brought us forgiveness in baptism. However, that doesn't mean we are not forgiven daily because Jesus tells us to pray in the Lord's Prayer, "forgive us our sins." We are not saying, "I thank you, you forgave my sins."
Continually this life of faith is one where God counts us as righteous because of Jesus because we continue to be in Christ or connected to Jesus. Faith is that which brings me Jesus; insofar as I am connected to Jesus, I receive His righteousness.
Scripturally, we can speak of all our sins already being forgiven, and we can speak of our sins being forgiven daily. We also have this future aspect of justification that is true for us in a more real sense on the Last Day.
I received forgiveness once at my baptism; I receive forgiveness daily as I pray the Lord's Prayer. I receive forgiveness every time I receive the Lord's Supper in repentance. I continually receive forgiveness by faith being connected to Jesus, and on the Last Day, I will be judged as righteous in Christ.
- Dr. Jordan Cooper

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