Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Not Religious But Spiritual

 When people say I'm not religious, but I'm spiritual, what they mean is that they want a god that doesn't say anything. Because as soon as God talks, you have religion, you have doctrine, you have assertions, you have something you have to believe in. As long as God can be silent, I can get along with him just fine. As long as God never mentions things like "thou shall not steal, remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, honor your mother and father," as long as God never mentions those things, he and I will probably get along just fine. This is what most people want, who are spiritual but not religious, a god who is mute, a god whom they have cut the tongue out of so he can't say anything against their own life. But God will not be silent! Romans 3 says every mouth is shut before God. It's not God's mouth that is shut in the end; it's our mouth, our own attempts at self-justification, our own attempts to stand before Him.

-Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller

Religion or Relationship?

Part of our post-modern, politically correct world is constantly changing our vocabulary. Certain words become bad, and one of them is relig...